Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Brandon Lazovic

Wrath, thy hearts angst against fellow human
An angered state of provoked emotion
As thy blood courses and pumps on demand
Crimson mercury spilt by preconceived notion

Prudence, thou’s wisdom unhindered in strife
Blinded in foresight thine eyes cannot be
Reason forever valued in thy life
Thou’s unmarred vision forever a guarantee

Greed, the downfall for those insatiable
Forever chasing wealth, status, and power
Thou art insidious, tyrannical
Thou’s desire shall lead to one’s final hour

Charity, friendship of man for Him
Benevolence reflected in thine heart
Even in circumstance proving most grim
Love for thy fellow man cannot keep thou apart

Sloth, encompassing state of dejection
Apathy of both body and spirit
Beware thy star’s silver inflection
Mischief befalls those whom laziness inherit

Faith, held in thy hand during time of need
Opening thou’s soul for thy Creator
As other’s speak untruth and heresy
Thou standeth against deceit, the serpent traitor

Pride, inflation of one’s mentality
Leads to thy demise and place infernal
Egotistic thoughts fool reality
Goliath, once proud and tall, slumbers eternal

Hope, optimistic interpretation
Eternal happiness thy only quest
Through the virtue of thy Divine Union
Ceaseless against hardship, thou’s light worn as a crest

Lust, thine guise masterful and unending
Intense desire forever burning
A bright phoenix flame thou art offending
With dark dragon’s flame burning thy soul through yearning

Temperance, a staple in character
Human spirit cannot maintain itself
Without control of excess poor feature
Restraint key in thy visage, building thy soul’s wealth

Envy, downfall in the hearts of many      
Wishing upon other’s inheritance
Spying through a lens procures jealousy
Benign or malicious, it shalt bring emptiness

Justice, thy art of reciprocity
Caught between the selfish and the selfless
Neutral standpoint, cousin of Charity
Giving those due of moral and legal assess

Gluttony, thou art a sin in excess
Shameful as thou binge to gratify tongue
 Immorality withstanding, but lest
Thine own image crack in thy reflection when sung

Fortitude, the quality of heroes
Apathy against thou’s antithesis
Thou’s moral courage is admirable

Venus’ silver tongue would prove even speechless

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